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Organizational Details

Organizational Details

The Young Italian-African Diplomatic Fellows Program is free of charge and will take place in Rome in presence (mandatory) on the following dates:

  • Thursday February 8th 2024;
  • Friday February 9th 2024.

On behalf of selected participants, Luiss School of Government and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) will cover the following expenses:

  • Return non-changeable Economy flight from their national main international airport to Rome according to the following dates:
  • Arrival in Rome: Wednesday February 7th 2024;
  • Departure from Rome: Saturday February 10th 2024.
  • Airport transfers from and to Rome Airport;
  • Hotel accommodation in Rome for the length of the Program;
  • Lunches during the module;
  • Course networking dinner (where planned).

Luiss School of Government and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) will not reimburse:

  • Daily Allowances;
  • Meals outside those indicated in the academic program;
  • Any other personal expenses.