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Students who successfully complete the programme are awarded three certifications at the end of the academic year:

  • Master in European Cultural Governance: This is the diploma of CIFE as private institute of higher education, certifying the successful completion of the academic curriculum and granting 60 ECTS credits at Master level.

  • Master in European Cultural Governance: This is the diploma of LUISS University as private institute of higher education, certifying the successful completion of the academic curriculum and granting 60 ECTS credits at Master level.

  • The degree qualification Chargé de mission en organisations européennes et internationales (Policy Officer in European and International Organisations): This qualification is recognised by the French state as a degree at Master level (level 7 of the European Qualifications Frame- work EQF). 

The Master is targeted at graduate students holding at least a three-years degree preferably, although not exclusively, in the life and social sciences, culture, history, law, politics or economics. It aims at preparing them for a career in the offices of the European Union that deal with its cultural relations, broadly defined; in the cultural services of both European and extra-European states; in international, European and national and local administrations that deal with cultural policies; in private enterprises that interact with the governmental offices mentioned above and look for profiles able to capture the emerging cultural opportunities across Europe, from heritage preservation to contemporary creation;  in the financial sector supporting the cultural and creative industries, in think-tanks and NGOs that deal with culture policies and heritage, collective and institutional cultural stakeholders.