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Kick off of the program: "Young Italian-African Diplomatic Fellows Program"

Luiss SoG and UNITAR are thrilled to kick off the launch of the program: "Young Italian-African Diplomatic Fellows Program" 

At Luiss SoG, we believe in equipping future leaders with the tools and knowledge to tackle the world's most pressing issues head-on. This unique program is designed to do just that, empowering participants to navigate complex global challenges with confidence and creativity.

Throughout this program, participants will engage in dynamic discussions, hands-on projects, and interactive workshops led by industry experts and thought leaders. From climate change to social inequality, from technological disruption to ethical leadership, we'll dive deep into the critical issues shaping our world today.

Today's opening of the first day of the programme was by Prof. Giovanni Orsina, Dean, Luiss School of Government, Prof. Raffaele Marchetti, Deputy Rector for Internationalization, Luiss Guido Carli, Mr. Rabih El-Haddad, Director, Division for Multilateral Diplomacy, UNITAR, Giuseppe Mistretta, Deputy Director General/Principal Director for the Countries of Sub-Saharan Afric, Marco Massoni, Luiss Guido Carli, Carolina Giovannelli, Luiss School of Government.


With the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation