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Eudiplo students in Brussels: what a journey!

Luiss School of Government's recent program in Brussels was an immersive journey into the heart of European politics and diplomacy. From March 11th to 15th, students embarked on a packed itinerary that provided firsthand insight into the workings of key EU institutions and discussions with prominent figures shaping the continent's future.

The week kicked off with a compelling keynote speech on the sustainable transition of the EU's food system by Dr. Wolfgang Burtscher, Director General of the Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI), followed by engaging Q&A sessions and networking opportunities.

Throughout the program, participants had the privilege of visiting esteemed institutions such as the EU Council, European External Action Service (EEAS), and the European Parliament, where they gained invaluable insights into various facets of EU policymaking and global cooperation strategies.

Notable highlights included discussions on international trade and climate policy, challenges and opportunities of EU trade policy, and a stimulating debate on the future of the EU in light of the upcoming elections. The program concluded with a closing ceremony, providing a platform for reflection and networking opportunities, reaffirming Luiss School of Government's commitment to fostering informed and engaged future leaders in European governance and diplomacy.