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Completion of Advanced Training Program for Western Balkans Civil Servants at Luiss

Completion of Advanced Training Program for Western Balkans Civil Servants at Luiss

The Luiss School of Government and the Luiss School of Law have successfully concluded an advanced training program for civil servants from the Western Balkans, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation through the Central European Initiative (CEI) Fund at the EBRD.

The program, which combined two online modules with an intensive five-day, in-person workshop at the Luiss campus in Rome, focused on key topics such as Public Procurement, Administrative Transparency, and Accountability in the management of EU funds. The collaboration with Italy’s Corte dei Conti further enriched the program, ensuring alignment with the CEI’s mission to strengthen regional public administration.

Participants are now equipped to return to their home countries as “knowledge ambassadors,” ready to apply and share the skills they have acquired, contributing to the development and progress of their communities.