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EUDIPLO study trip in Brussels

What an incredible study trip we just had with our EUDIPLO students. On their first day, the students visited the Council of the European Union and heard directly from Xavier Thoreau, a political administrator, a lectio about how this institution works. Then, they had the chance to visit EEAS, the European Union's diplomatic service that carries out the Union's Common Foreign Security Policy to promote peace, development, security, and the interests of European citizens around the world. There, they met experts from different offices who spoke about many topics such as the green transition, the issue of disinformation, and the communication strategy of the institution. 

At the European Commission the students had the great opportunity to engage with people who work in the areas of their interest. They attended a lesson held by Ramona Samson, Team leader of R&I Strategy, about the science diplomacy instruments. Moreover, they had a very thought-provoking conversation with Marcus Gustaffson, Senior Expert - Legal Officer, about disputes and resolutions at WTO. Jorge Vitorino, Head of the Unit at DG Trade, eventually explained the challenges and opportunities of Eu trade policy. 

The journey through the heart of the European Union ended up with a visit to the European Parliament and the House of European History

If climate diplomacy is the area you want to work in, find out more info about the Master here!