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Celebrating Graduation Day for Our International Master's Students!

Celebrating Graduation Day for Our International Master's Students!

We proudly honor the achievements of our International Master's graduates at the Luiss School of Government! 

Virginie Collombier, Professor of Practice at the Luiss School of Government and Scientific Coordinator of the Luiss Mediterranean Platform, shared insights during her Lectio:

“There are indeed some new opportunities for cooperation that can and must be seized across the Mediterranean region. Energy transition, the re-shoring or near-shoring of global value chains, enhanced connectivity through global corridors such as the Indian-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor or the Chinese Belt and Road. These projects put the Mediterranean at the centre of the new globalisation trends. They can contribute to create a positive atmosphere favourable to increased cooperation between North and South to tackle common challenges: climate change, environmental degradation, security, migration management.”

Her words highlight the crucial role our graduates will play in fostering collaboration and addressing global challenges. As they step into their future roles, we are confident they will drive positive change and innovation.

Congratulations to all our graduates! Your hard work and dedication have brought you to this moment, and we are excited to see the impact you will make on the world.