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Student Experiences

  • Elena Gressani  

During this period of crisis due to the emergence of covid19 pandemic, I had the possibility to continue online learning without risking missing a single day of class. In addition, these online classes allowed me to have more flexibility, improve my virtual communication, demonstrating my participation in virtual classes more intensely, improving my collaboration and allowed me to save time, which I was able to reuse to focus even more on my studies. I would like to thank my professors and the organization of the Luiss School of Government who made all of this possible.



  • Marialessia Corbo 

La gestione dell'emergenza sanitaria ha imposto un rapido e radicale mutamento di stile di vita che ha toccato ogni aspetto del quotidiano. Indubbiamente, il lockdown ha condizionato il nostro modo di affrontare le lezioni e di rapportarci con Professori e compagni di corso. Ad ogni modo, la gestione efficiente di questa imprevedibile emergenza ha consentito a tutti noi un'effettiva formazione a distanza. Inoltre, i numerosi Webinars organizzati dalla School of Government ci hanno offerto la possibilità di rimanere ulteriormente aggiornati ed ascoltare il parere di esperti su quanto stesse accadendo intorno a noi.


  • Karolin & Daniel Widmann 

 When Daniel and I decided to leave our jobs, home, family and friends in Germany to spend an adventurous year in Rome, we certainly could have never imagined that we would end up where we are right now: facing a global crisis that hit our beloved Italy particularly hard – while being locked down in what we had just begun to call our new home.

What we could never have imagined either, however, is the great level of support we received from each side:

Not only did we choose with Luiss School of Government, a university which was probably better prepared than any other academic institutions to uphold excellent classes without any constraints or delay – always concerned about the safety of their students and ready to provide flexible solutions. We were also surrounded by amazingly helpful people who have soon become friends and represent what Luiss is about: A strong community where mutual support is key – even in times of global crisis. All of this has never put into question our decision to stay and get through these difficult times together.



  • Melisa Paneque Marquez

Nowadays many students have been living an interesting and different experience for online lectures and webinars. It gives me the chance to develop new skills such as: online presentations, a good collaboration with my colleagues and the opportunity to participate in different webinars related to my Master in International Public Affairs.