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How to apply

Tuition fees for the Master in International Public Affairs (MIPA) have been fixed at € 9.500

This master course accepts students selected according to the following criteria:

  • Academic merit: the quality and coherence of the university career as shown by the academic documents, the CV and the reference letters;
  • International experience: demonstrable orientation towards international careers;
  • Motivation:  convincing reasons of why and how MIPA is to foster personal and professional aspirations.

Applicants need to send all the following documents on the online form:

  • detailed CV with list of academic courses and professional experiences (also in Italian);
  • motivation letter explaining the candidate’s motivation for attending the Master in International Public Affairs;
  • University transcript (certificato di laurea con lista degli esami);
  • one reference letter (or contact of a potential referee);
  • where applicable, a certificate of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS or by another recognised language institute);
  • a copy of the applicant’s national identity card or passport.