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Academic Staff

Scientific Committee:

  • Marta Cartabia (Judge at the Italian Constitutional Court, member of the Venice Commission and Professor of Constitutional Law, on leave)
  • Carlos Closa (Full Professor at the Institute for Public Goods and Policies, CSIC – Senior Fellow, Global Governance Program, RSCAS-European University Institute)
  • Gianluca Contaldi (Full Professor of International Law, University of Macerata)
  • Olivier Costa (Research Professor at CNRS, Science Po-Bordeaux, Director of Studies, European Political and Administrative Studies Department, College of Europe (Bruges)
  • Renaud Dehousse (President of the European University Institute, Florence)
  • Amie Kreppel (Jean Monnet Chair ad personam and Associate Professor in Political Science, University of Florida, and former Chair of the European Union Studies Association, 2011-2013)
  • Cristina Leston-Bandeira (Professor of Politics, University of Leeds)
  • Nicola Lupo (Full Professor of Parliamentary Law and Director of the Master Programme in "Parliament and Public Policies" and of the Master Programme in “Parliamentary procedures and legislative drafting” (EUPADRA), Luiss Guido Carli)
  • Andrea Manzella (Director of the Centre for Parliamentary Studies and former Jean Monnet Chair ad personam on the democratic principles in the EU, Luiss Guido Carli)
  • Leonardo Morlino (Professor of Political Science, Luiss Guido Carli, and former President of the International Political Science Association)
  • Andrea Simoncini (Full Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Florence, and Visiting Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School).

School of Government Director:

  • Giovanni Orsina (Full Professor of Contemporary History and Director of the Master in European Studies at Luiss School of Government).

Summer Program Director:

  • Cristina Fasone (Assistant Professor of Comparative Public Law, Luiss Guido Carli).



JM Module 2016-2019 on “Parliamentary accountability and technical expertise: budgetary powers, information and communication technologies and elections (PATEU)” - (project number no. 575392-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPJMO-MODULE). Grant Agreement/Decision Nr 2016-2571