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Certificates and Credits

A certificate of participation is awarded upon successful completion of the Summer Program.

In order to gain this certificate, participants are expected to attend and actively participate in all the activities of the Summer Program.

Participants willing to obtain credits (4 ECTS) should consult their own institutions in advance about the acceptability of the Summer Program evaluation, which will be based on class participation and the successful evaluation of a written test (a take-home exam).

Credits will be awarded along the following guidelines:

  • Attendance of every academic activity scheduled in the framework of the Summer Program
  • Successful evaluation (at least satisfactory) of a written test based on two open questions to be answered in 24h (take-home exam).

Participants complying with these standards will receive an official transcript detailing the awarded credits. 



JM Module 2016-2019 on “Parliamentary accountability and technical expertise: budgetary powers, information and communication technologies and elections (PATEU)” - (project number no. 575392-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPJMO-MODULE). Grant Agreement/Decision Nr 2016-2571