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Parliamentarism: key concepts & contemporary challenges

Luiss School of Government and Sciences Po - School of Public Affairs, have established the joint Course “Parliamentarism: key concepts & contemporary challenges” as part of the Master in Parliament and Public Policies M.A.P.P.P.

Directed by Nicola Lupo, Professor of Parliamentary Law, Luiss, and Olivier Rozenberg, Associate Professor, Sciences Po, the course analyses the core concepts of parliamentarism. It aims to map the main legal and political features of this notion. 

This course will be composed of approximately half students of Master in Parliament and Public Policies, Luiss School of Government, and half of Sciences Po, School of Public Affairs. 

It will be of interest to public law and political science students, especially those who aspire to work within legislatures and around them. Practitioners from parliamentary assemblies of Italy and France will also intervene. 

We want the best academic program for our students!

The Master