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Gustavo Westmann, General Coordination for Inter-Regional Mechanisms (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil), is part of our alumni community

Luiss School of Government is proud to have Gustavo Westmann, General Coordination for Inter-Regional Mechanisms (CGBRICS) - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, as part of its alumni community!

Read about his experience at the Master of Arts in International Public Affairs (MIPA)

"Attending the Master MIPA was significant to my personal and professional careers. I had the chance to meet amazing colleagues who are currently successfully working worldwide. Still, I also had the opportunity to learn from some of the most brilliant Italian professors and leaders.
As a Brazilian diplomat, the Master has shown me new approaches to complex international issues. As a world citizen, it has allowed me to become part of a community of future global leaders willing to make a difference. I am very proud of being part of the Luiss SoG community".