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Apply now for the new edition of the Summer Program "Parliamentary Democracy in Europe"

Dive into the heart of European democracy with our renowned Summer Program at Luiss School of Government in partnership with European Law & Governance School (ELGS)

Summer Program: Parliamentary Democracy in Europe

  • 13th Edition: "Next Generation EU: Implementation and Extension"
  • Location: Luiss School of Government, Rome, Italy
  • Dates: 15-19 July 2024

Learn More & Register

Get ready to explore the dynamic landscape of European governance at our 13th edition of the Summer Program! This year, we're delving deep into the implementation and extension of the "Next Generation EU" initiative, shaping the future of the continent's recovery and growth. 

What to Expect:

-Engaging lectures by leading experts in parliamentary democracy and EU affairs.

-Interactive workshops and case studies for practical insights.

-Networking opportunities with peers and professionals from around the globe.

-A unique chance to deepen your understanding of European governance dynamics.

-Experiential learning through visits to key institutions and organizations.

Who Should Attend:

Graduates, doctoral students and post-docs, civil servants and professionals working for NGOs, think tanks and interest groups

How to Register:

Secure your spot today by visiting our registration page 

Don't miss out on this enriching opportunity to be part of the conversation shaping Europe's future.

Join us as we embark on a transformative journey into the heart of European parliamentary democracy! See you this summer at Luiss School of Government!