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NFT & Smart contracts programming: serving justice and public services with new technologies

NFT & Smart contracts programming: serving justice and public services with new technologies

The decentralised finance revolution began in 2009 when an anonymous inventor known by the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, introduced the virtual currency or cryptocurrency better known as bitcoin.

More than ten years later, there are already many applications in the DeFi domain: from the digitalisation of the exchange of assets (NFT) to the trading of tokens and the automation of the execution of loans. Due to very lax regulation, the disruptive growth of decentralised finance poses a major challenge for governments and regulators around the world. We are talking about an ecosystem that offers services that are particularly knowledge-intensive and that combine the complexity of financial matters with that of the information sciences.

The University Advanced Course in "NFT & Smart Contracts Programming: new technologies at the service of law and public services", directed by Prof. Giuseppe F. Italiano, co-director of the Master in Cybersecurity - politiche pubbliche, normative e gestione , was established in response to the challenges of the digitalisation of the public and private sectors, and allows one to operate directly on the blockchain and the authentication of transactions of a QTSP (Qualified Trust Service Provider), to compose smart contracts and to implement the first digital assets in a perspective based on legal design and lateral thinking.

The Executive Course is taught in Italian.

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