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The UN Model Programme, which takes place over one month, is divided into three parts

The first part consists of about twenty hours of online lectures on topics relevant not only to the theme of the simulation but also to the work of the FAO in general. The lectures, which are  given by Luiss professors and FAO experts, are complemented by selected FAO Academy e-learning courses

The second part takes place at Luiss campuses in Rome over four days. Participants receive a specific training on how FAO Governing Bodies work, how Member Nations participate in the discussion in the FAO Council, its main actors, etc,. Students are also taught the art of diplomacy, with a focus on negotiation and public speaking skills. They are asked to produce a background document that will serve as a basis for negotiations and on which they receive feedback from the simulation staff (i.e., professors, tutors, etc.). 

The third part of the UN Model Programme consists of the actual simulation, which takes place at FAO HQ during the WFF Flagship event. Participants, after completing the seminar series and delivering the background paper, are invited to simulate the work of the FAO Council, on a topic related to the WFF. Each student will be pre-assigned - before the start of the event - a Member Nation to represent. The objective is to draft, discuss and vote on one or more reccomendations. Time is divided between formal and informal negotiations. 

During the UN Model Programme, participants are assisted by a team of tutors provided by Luiss University.