News News 4 July 2023 Executive First Level Master in Global Public Diplomacy and Sustainable Development The 2nd edition of the Executive First Level Master in Global Public Diplomacy and Sustainable Development is underway We are pleased to warmly welcome the 25 distinguished African diplomats... 27 June 2023 Scenari SAHEL organised with Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo “War horses breed throughout the frontier; There is no vice greater than submitting to greed' - this quote of Lieh Tsu should be kept vividly in the mind of African and international leaders to... 20 June 2023 Corso Executive La valutazione delle politiche pubbliche e l’impatto sui giovani Realizzato con il supporto e per il Consiglio Nazionale dei Giovani (CNG), il Corso offre strumenti e linee guida per garantire conoscenze e competenze mirate per una partecipazione... 16 June 2023 L’intelligence economica nell’era digitale L’intelligence economica nell’era digitale Si è tenuto presso la sede di Villa Blanc un seminario di studi sull’intelligence economica nell’era digitale organizzato dalla Luiss School of Government... 15 June 2023 Cybersecurity in a Global Digital Age: Policy and Management With the participation restricted to participants from the six countries of the Western Balkan region, the new Course "Cybersecurity in a Global Digital Age: Policy and Management" aims to... 14 June 2023 Luiss School of Government academics comments on national and international media about the death of President Silvio Berlusconi Luiss School of Government academics comments on national and international media about the death of President Silvio Berlusconi National and international media: CNBC Europe - Lorenzo... 13 June 2023 Al via la prima riunione del Policy Observatory Workshop “Perché l’Italia ha bisogno di un piano minerario nazionale” 8 giugno ore 14:00 aula chiesa "Istituito da poco, il Policy Observatory sta diventando un interlocutore sempre più rilevante,... 9 June 2023 Space: Global Security and Legal Challenges Space: Global Security and Legal Challenges Recent technological and strategic developments have increasingly made space a specific domain requiring not only technological, but also geopolitical,... 5 June 2023 Quali strade si possono aprire dopo il Master in Management e Politiche delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (MAMA)? Quali strade si possono aprire dopo il Master in Management e Politiche delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (MAMA)?"Grazie al titolo conseguito nel 2014 alla Luiss School of Government oggi ricopro il... 2 June 2023 Happy Republic Day from the Luiss School of Government community Happy Republic Day From the faculty, the staff, from the former and current students, from the entire Luiss School of Government community: Happy Republic Day! 31 May 2023 Countering Corruption with Public Administration through Transparency Countering Corruption with Public Administration through Transparency The Office of Deputy Prime Minister of Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and Luiss Guido Carli University,... 30 May 2023 Graduation Day: Joint Master in European Security Graduation Day: Joint Master in European Security What a great journey for the students from the Master EUROSEC!Having the chance to learn more about such a sensitive subject as... 30 May 2023 Ripartiamo con le riforme costituzionali? Sì, ma meglio con un percorso “a tappe” Ripartiamo con le riforme costituzionali? Sì, ma meglio con un percorso “a tappe” In questa legislatura si torna a ipotizzare una riforma della Costituzione, stavolta per concentrarsi sulla forma di... 29 May 2023 SoG Students Met Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Italy and Europe: future challenges between war and Immigration Special guest of today: Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, who held a tailor-made speech for... 26 May 2023 Africa Day The 25th of May is International Africa Day Luiss School of Government celebrates it by announcing the upcoming 2nd edition of the Executive First Level Master in Global Public Diplomacy and... 25 May 2023 Gianclaudio Torlizzi, called by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy to join the "Strategic Reflection Group on Industrial Policy Gianclaudio Torlizzi, member of the Scientific Committee of the Policy Observatory - Luiss SoG, has been called by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy to join the "Strategic Reflection Group... « first ‹ previous … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … next › last »
4 July 2023 Executive First Level Master in Global Public Diplomacy and Sustainable Development The 2nd edition of the Executive First Level Master in Global Public Diplomacy and Sustainable Development is underway We are pleased to warmly welcome the 25 distinguished African diplomats...
27 June 2023 Scenari SAHEL organised with Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo “War horses breed throughout the frontier; There is no vice greater than submitting to greed' - this quote of Lieh Tsu should be kept vividly in the mind of African and international leaders to...
20 June 2023 Corso Executive La valutazione delle politiche pubbliche e l’impatto sui giovani Realizzato con il supporto e per il Consiglio Nazionale dei Giovani (CNG), il Corso offre strumenti e linee guida per garantire conoscenze e competenze mirate per una partecipazione...
16 June 2023 L’intelligence economica nell’era digitale L’intelligence economica nell’era digitale Si è tenuto presso la sede di Villa Blanc un seminario di studi sull’intelligence economica nell’era digitale organizzato dalla Luiss School of Government...
15 June 2023 Cybersecurity in a Global Digital Age: Policy and Management With the participation restricted to participants from the six countries of the Western Balkan region, the new Course "Cybersecurity in a Global Digital Age: Policy and Management" aims to...
14 June 2023 Luiss School of Government academics comments on national and international media about the death of President Silvio Berlusconi Luiss School of Government academics comments on national and international media about the death of President Silvio Berlusconi National and international media: CNBC Europe - Lorenzo...
13 June 2023 Al via la prima riunione del Policy Observatory Workshop “Perché l’Italia ha bisogno di un piano minerario nazionale” 8 giugno ore 14:00 aula chiesa "Istituito da poco, il Policy Observatory sta diventando un interlocutore sempre più rilevante,...
9 June 2023 Space: Global Security and Legal Challenges Space: Global Security and Legal Challenges Recent technological and strategic developments have increasingly made space a specific domain requiring not only technological, but also geopolitical,...
5 June 2023 Quali strade si possono aprire dopo il Master in Management e Politiche delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (MAMA)? Quali strade si possono aprire dopo il Master in Management e Politiche delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (MAMA)?"Grazie al titolo conseguito nel 2014 alla Luiss School of Government oggi ricopro il...
2 June 2023 Happy Republic Day from the Luiss School of Government community Happy Republic Day From the faculty, the staff, from the former and current students, from the entire Luiss School of Government community: Happy Republic Day!
31 May 2023 Countering Corruption with Public Administration through Transparency Countering Corruption with Public Administration through Transparency The Office of Deputy Prime Minister of Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and Luiss Guido Carli University,...
30 May 2023 Graduation Day: Joint Master in European Security Graduation Day: Joint Master in European Security What a great journey for the students from the Master EUROSEC!Having the chance to learn more about such a sensitive subject as...
30 May 2023 Ripartiamo con le riforme costituzionali? Sì, ma meglio con un percorso “a tappe” Ripartiamo con le riforme costituzionali? Sì, ma meglio con un percorso “a tappe” In questa legislatura si torna a ipotizzare una riforma della Costituzione, stavolta per concentrarsi sulla forma di...
29 May 2023 SoG Students Met Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Italy and Europe: future challenges between war and Immigration Special guest of today: Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, who held a tailor-made speech for...
26 May 2023 Africa Day The 25th of May is International Africa Day Luiss School of Government celebrates it by announcing the upcoming 2nd edition of the Executive First Level Master in Global Public Diplomacy and...
25 May 2023 Gianclaudio Torlizzi, called by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy to join the "Strategic Reflection Group on Industrial Policy Gianclaudio Torlizzi, member of the Scientific Committee of the Policy Observatory - Luiss SoG, has been called by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy to join the "Strategic Reflection Group...