This programme is led by:
Prof. Giovanni Orsina, Director Luiss School of Government
Prof. Arnaud Leconte, Professor of Economics, CIFE
The faculty includes:
- Maria Giulia Amadio Vicerè, Post-Doctoral Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Political Science of Luiss University;
- Michel-Henry Bouchet, Distinguished Finance Professor at SKEMA Business School, Former Senior Economist at World Bank;
- Olivier Glassey, Lecturer at the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, University of Lausanne;
- Emre Gür, Professor of Project Management, CIFE;
- Arnaud Leconte, Co-Director of the Governance Master, Professor of Economics, CIFE;
- Ryszard Piasecki, former Ambassador of Poland in Chile, Professor of International Affairs at University of Lodz;
- Philippe Poirier, Professor in Political Science, Head of Research Group for European Governance- Action Jean Monnet 2017-2020, Holder of the Chair in Parliamentary Studies;
- Arlo Poletti, Associate Professor, University of Trento;
- Cristina Teleki, Research Associate at Graduate Institute, University of Zürich
- Milad Zarin-Nejadan, Professor of Economics in Switzerland (Universities of Neuchâtel, Geneva, Lausanne, Fribourg and at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne) and abroad (Tohoku University, Japan).