Questa serie di working papers è un elemento fondamentale nell’impegno da parte della Luiss School of Government di diffondere ricerca di alta qualità.
I working papers coprono una vasta gamma di temi e sono preparati dallo staff accademico della Luiss School of Government, esperti esterni, studiosi e professionisti.
- Peter L. Lindseth, From the Marshall Plan to Ngeu: The Role of the Power-Legitimacy Nexus, SOG Working Paper 13, Dicembre 2024
- Antonio Stango, The geopolitical competition between China and the U.S. in new technologies, SOG Working Paper 12, Maggio 2024
- Jean-Pierre Darnis, An Italian digital strategy? A tentative analysis, SOG Working Paper 11, Maggio 2024
- Wagner Benoit, An overview of space and digital integration, SOG Working Paper 10, Maggio 2024
- Luigi Martino, Cyberspace Evolution and AI, SOG Working Paper 9, Maggio 2024
- Luciano Pollichieni, Giovanni Caprara, The exploitation of geopolitical competition for the development of Kenyan connectivity, SOG Working Paper 8, Maggio 2024
- Claudio C. Passalaqua, Carolina Polito, The Chinese Supply of Surveillance Technology to Africa, SOG Working Paper 7, Maggio 2024
- Martina Lucaccini, Geopolitical Dynamics of Digital Authoritarianism: Emerging Global Challenges, SOG Working Paper 6, Maggio 2024
- Simona Bonini Baldini, Alessandro Picchiarelli, The Refugees’ Crisis and the Ethics of Algorithms, The Refugees’ Crisis and the Ethics of Algorithms, SOG Working Paper 5, Maggio 2024
- Domiziano Cristiani, Federico Deiana, Francesco Meriano, Pathways for Integration of Artificial Intelligence in the Defence Sector: A Comparative Study, SOG Working Paper 4, Maggio 2024
- Alessandra Galassi, Gianmarco Gabriele Marchionna, Submarine Networks: the backbone of digital ecosystems worldwide and strategic, SOG Working Paper 3, Maggio 2024
- Antonio Calcara, Ivan Zaccagnini, The Silicon Dream: Europe's Bid in the Semiconductor Race, SOG Working Paper 2, Maggio 2024
- Luca Gullo, Il ruolo del Parlamento nella fase di attuazione e controllo del PNRR, SOG Working Paper 1, Maggio 2024
- Giovanni Savini, Per un rilancio delle politiche della qualità della regolazione, SOG Working Paper 6, Dicembre 2023
- Salvatore Luca, La nuova governance del PNRR, SOG Working Paper 5, Novembre 2023
- Marco Pini, Marco Gentile, Damiano Angotzi, The extra gear of business model 4.0 for exporting and the backstage role of Public institutions, University and Business schools. Empirical insights from Italy, SOG Working Paper 4, Ottobre 2023
- Léo Gotarda, Defining Sustainability: Who Can Solve the Discord on the Taxonomy Regulation?, SOG Working Paper 3, Luglio 2023
- Marco Alberti, Soft power & promozione integrata: il caso dell’Italia in Kazakistan, SOG Working Paper 2, Febbraio 2023.
- Albino Grimaldi, Tutelare lo Stato di diritto tramite la condizionalità finanziaria: il Regolamento UE 2020/2092 e la sua attuazione, SOG Working Paper 1, Febbraio 2023.
- Serena Migliardo, "I modelli di corporate e governance dei Gruppi di impresa in Italia", SOG Working Paper 70, Giugno 2022
- Antonio Malaschini e Michele Pandolfelli, "PARLTECH. Intelligenza Artificiale e Parlamenti: una prima riflessione", SOG Working Paper 69, Marzo 2022.
- Nicola Lupo, "Interparliamentary Cooperation at the Political and Administrative Levels, in the Euro-National Parliamentary System", SOG Working Paper 68, Marzo 2022.
- Francesco Paolo Puzzella, "L’evoluzione politica e regolamentare della figura del Presidente di Assemblea parlamentare in prospettiva comparata", SOG Working Paper 67, Luglio 2021.
- Silvia Darretta, "The Rights of deaf people and Sign language: the importance of the explicit recognition of sign language in Italy and in France", SOG Working Paper 66, April 2021
- Giovanni Rizzoni, "Parliamentarism and encyclopaedism:how Parliaments produce andelaborate knowledge". SOG Working Paper 65, February 2021.
- Paolo Garonna, Samuele Crosetti, Alessandra Marcelletti, "Deposit insurance in the EuropeanUnion: in search of a third way". SOG Working Paper 64, January 2021.
- Maria Schininà, "Strenghtening the rule of law in the EU: what role for the interparliamentary cooperation?". SOG Working Paper 63, December 2020.
- Valentin Kreilinger, "Tectonic shifts in the EU’s institutional system". SOG Working Paper 62, November 2020.
- Cristina Fasone & Peter Lindseth: "Europe’s Fractured Metabolic Constitution:From the Eurozone Crisisto the Coronavirus Response". SOG Working Paper 61, October 2020.
- Valentin Kreilinger, "Downsizing the German Bundestag". SOG Working Paper 60, May 2020.
- Michele Pandolfelli, "Parlamento ed emergenze: per l’istituzione di un Comitato parlamentare per i Grandi rischi". SOG Working Paper 59, May 2020.
- Jonathan Murphy, "Size and representativeness of legislatures in historical evolution; observations from the anglo-american context". SOG Working Paper 58, March 2020.
- Antonio Malaschini, "Procedure parlamentari e legislazione d'emergenza". SOG Working Paper 57, March 2020.
- Jesùs Manuel Orozco Pulido, "Constitutional Means For Congress To Participate In The Sanction Of Judges. A Critic To The Impeachment Against Judges In Mexico". SOG Working Paper 56, February 2020.
- Gianliborio Mazzola, "Autonomia differenziata. Realtà e prospettive: le bozze di pre-intese". SOG Working Paper 55, December 2019.
- Marta Simoncini, "Il passaporto del cittadino globale. Prolusione per l'apertura dell'anno accademico 2019/2020, Luiss Guido Carli". SOG Working Paper 54, December 2019.
- Marina Pietrangelo, "Legislative Drafting and Online Consultation: a Contribute to Law-Making for Better Regulation?". SOG Working Paper 53, December 2019.
- Sebastiano Corso, "L'autonomia regolamentare dell'assemblea regionale siciliana". SOG Working Papers 52, November 2019.
- Paolo Gambacciani, "Il rapporto tra il processo decisionale della legge Rosato ed il "Garbage can Model": genesi e compromessi dell'ultima legge elettorale". SOG Working Papers 51, September 2019.
- Vincenza Falletti, "From the Constitutionalisation of the Principles of Environmental sustainability to the Setting Up of "Institutions for the Future": a First Appraisal". SOG Working Papers 50, July 2019.
- Rafael Rubio and Ricardo Vela, "Open Parliaments around the World. Open Parliaments' Tools in Comparative Perspective", SOG Working Papers 49, June 2019.
- Ylenia Citino, "Le trasformazioni in via consuetudinaria e convenzionale del governo dallo Statuto Albertino al periodo transitorio", SOG Working Papers 48, May 2019.
- Enena Maria Petrich, "Do Second Chambers Still Have a Role to Play - The Italian and the Belgian Senates and the Process of European Integration", SOG Working Papers 47, April 2019.
- Guido Rivosecchi, "Considerazioni sparse in ordine alle attuali tendenze della produzione normativa", SOG Working Papers 46, March 2019.
- Valerio Di porto, "Il Comitato per la Legislazione, Venti Anni Dopo", SOG Working Papers 45, July 2018.
- Suzanne Poppelaars, "The Involvement of National Parliaments in the Current ESM and the Possible Future EMF", SOG Working Papers 44, April 2018.
- Martinho Lucas Pires, "The Shortcomings of the EU Framework for Transnational Data Transfers and the Need for n international Approach", SOG Working Papers 43, November 2017.
- Margherita Sperduti, "La Tutela Giurisdizionale dell'Autonomia Locale. Italia e Spagna a Confronto", SOG Working Papers 42, October 2017.
- Marco Cecili, "La Sussidiarità e l'Early Warning System tra Diritto e Politica. Il Caso della c.d. "Direttiva Tabacco" del 2014", SOG Working Papers 41, September 2017.
- Diane Fromage and Renato Ibrido, "Democratic Accountability and Parliamentary Oversight the ECB. The Banking Union Experience", SOG Working Papers 40, June 2017.
- Eleonora Bardazzi, Omar Caramaschi, "Italian and European Citizens' Initiatives: Challenge and Opportunities", SOG Working Papers 39, April 2017.
- Alina Scripca, "The Principle of Subsidiarity in the Netherlands and Romania. Comparative Assessment of the Opinions Issued Under the Early Warning Mehanism", SOG Working Papers 38, April, 2017.
- Franco Bruni, Sergio Fabbrini and Marcello Messori "Europe 2017: Make it or Break it?", January 2017.
- Rosetta Collura "Bruegel, EU think tank in the EU multi-level governance", SOG Working Papers 36, October 2016.
- Giuseppe Provenzano "The external policies of the EU towards the southern neighbourhood: time for restarting or sliding into irrelevance?", SOG Workin Papers 35, September 2016
- Luca Di Donato "A behavioral principal-agent theory to study corruption and tax evasion", SOG Working Papers 34, July 2016
- Diane Fromage "Regional Parliaments and the early warning system: an assessment six years after the entry into force of the Lisbon treaty", SOG Working Papers 33, April 2016
- Giulio Stolfi "Tempi (post-)moderni: nuovi impulsi normativi europei alla prova delle sovrapposizioni", SOG Working Papers 32, January 2016
- Francesca Biondi & Irene Pellizzone "Open or secret? Parliamentary rules of procedures in secret ballots", SOG Working Papers 31, December 2015
- Marie-Cécile Cadilhac "The TTIP negotiation process: a turning point in the understanding of the European parliament's role in the procedure for concluding EU external agreements?", SOG Working Papers 30, December 2015
- Ludovica Benedizione & Valentina Rita Scotti, "Equally victims? Post-revolutionary Tunisia and transitional justice", SOG Working Papers 29, November 2015
- Matteo Bonelli, "Safeguarding values in the European Union: the European Parliament, article 7 and Hungary", SOG Working Papers 28, October 2015
- Ugljesa Zvekic, Giorgio Sirtori, Alessandro Sabbini and Alessandro Dowling, "United Nations against corruption in post-conflict societies", SOG Working Papers 27, September 2015.
- Maria Romaniello, "Assessing upper chambers' role in the EU decision-making process", SOG Working Papers 26, August 2015.
- Francesco Alicino, "The road to equality. Same-se relationship within the European context: the case of Italy", SOG Working Papers 25, July 2015.
- Davide A. Capuano, "Overcoming overlappings in the European Union (entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem...", SOG Working Papers 24, March 2015
- Valentina Rita Scotti "Religious freedom in Turkey: foreign models and national identity", SOG Working Papers 23, January 2015.
- Anne Pintz "National Parliaments overcoming collective action problems inherent in the early warning mechanism: the cases of Monti II and EPPO", SOG Working Papers 22, October 2014.
- Ian Cooper "Parliamentary oversight of the EU after the crisis: on the creation of the "Article 13" interparliamentary conference", SOG Working Papers 21, August 2014.
- Elena Griglio & Nicola Lupo "Towards an asymmetric European Union, without an asymmetric European Parliament", SOG Working Papers 20, June 2014.
- Cristina Fasone "National Parliaments under "external" fiscal constraints. The case of Italy, Portugal, and Spain facing the Eurozone crisis", SOG Working Papers 19, June 2014.
- Nicola Lupo & Giovanni Piccirilli "Some effects of European Courts on national sources of law: the evolutions of legality in the Italian legal order", SOG Working Papers 18, May 2014
- Leonardo Morlino "How to assess democracy in Latin America?", SOG Working Papers 17, April 2014
- Romano Ferrari Zumbini "Overcoming overlappings (in altre parole...oltre 'questa' Europa)", SOG Working Papers 16, April 2014
- Leonardo Morlino "Transition to Democracy: what we know and what we should know", SOG Working Papers 15, April 2014
- Luca Bartolucci "The European Parliament and the 'opinions' of national parliaments", SOG Working Papers 14, February 2014.
- Dessislava Cherneva-Mollova "The EP rules of procedure and their implications for the EU institutional balance", SOG Working Papers 13, February 2014.
- Carlo Cerutti "Political Representation in the European Parliament: a Reform Proposal", SOG Working Papers 12, January 2014.
- Mattia Guidi & Yannis Karagiannis "The Eurozone crisis, decentralized bargaining and the theory of EU institutions", SOG Working Paper 11, November 2013.
- Lorenzo Donatelli "La disciplina delle procedure negoziali informali nel "triangolo decisionale" unionale: dagli accordi interistituzionali alla riforma dell'articolo 70 del regolamento del Parlamento Europeo", SOG Working Paper 10, October 2013.
- Sergio Fabbrini, "The Parliamentary election of the Commission President: costraints on the Parlamentarization of the European Union", SOG-Working Paper 9, October 2013
- Arlo Poletti & Dirl De Bièvre "Rule enforcement and cooperation in the WTO: legal vulnerability, issue characteristics, and negotiation strategies in the DOHA round", SOG Working Paper 8, September 2013.
- Gabriele Maestri, "Il voto libero: la necessità di regole chiare e trasparenti sul procedimento preparatorio e di un contenzioso che decida rapidamente", SOG Woriking Paper 7, July 2013.
- Cecilia Emma Sottilotta, "Political Risk: Concepts, Definitions, Challenges", SOG-Working Paper 6, April 2013.
- Katarzyna Granat “Institutional Design of the Member States for the Ex Post Subsidiarity Scrutiny”, SOG-Working Paper 5, March 2013.
- Cristina Fasone “Competing Concepts of Subsidiarity in the Early Warning Mechanism”, SOG-Working Paper 4, March 2013.
- Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka “Regions and Subsidiarity after Lisbon: Overcoming the “Regional Blindness”", SOG-Working Paper 3, March 2013.
- Barbara Guastaferro “EU value-added" to an "EU non encroachment" test? Some Insights from National Parliaments' Reasoned Opinions”. SOG-Working Paper 2, February 2013.
- Sergio Fabbrini “Intergovermentalism and Its Outcomes: the Implications of the Euro Crisis on the European Union” SOG-Working Paper 1, January 2013.
I working papers sono revisionati e pubblicati online su questa pagina. I working paper pubblicati dall'ottobre 2017 al novembre 2019 sono il prodotto della ricerca e dell'attività di disseminazione accddademica del Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet “Centrifugal Europe and the Challenge of Integration" (Contract Number: 574597-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPJMO-CoE).