News News 6 May 2020 Stability in the Middle East Region: Current Situation and Future Developments On Wednesday 13 May at 1PM join us for an exclusive Talk with Nickolay Mladenov UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. Mr. Nickolay Mladenov of Bulgaria was... 5 May 2020 Luiss Virtual Career Day - I giovani e il lavoro Luiss Virtual Career Day - I giovani e il lavoro Venerdì 8 maggio, ore 09:00 Il Luiss Virtual Career Day - I giovani e il lavoro è una risposta efficace ed immediata ai rapidi cambiamenti in cui ci... 5 May 2020 La sicurezza economica nazionale nei nuovi scenari internazionali La sicurezza economica nazionale nei nuovi scenari internazionali Venerdì 8 maggio 2020ore 17:00 Non perderti il nuovo webinar organizzato dalla Luiss School of Government nell'ambito delle... 4 May 2020 Mapping Italy: scenario and political risks Managing Covid 19 is putting the Italian political system to the test. Explore how Italian politics will possibly evolve over the next months through the Monthly Report prepared by... 4 May 2020 Luiss SoG Students' experiences "This emergency was sudden, and we had to rapidly adapt to a new teaching environment. It is clearly a new experience. Still, the organization from the Luiss School of Government has been impeccable... 28 April 2020 Size and representativeness of legislatures in historical evolution; observations from the anglo-american context - SOG Working Paper 58 Luiss School of Government aims to produce cutting-edge work in a wide range of fields and disciplines through publications, workshops, conferences that enhance intellectual discourse and debate... 22 April 2020 SoG Web Seminar Series: Nuove sfide per la diplomazia Nuove sfide per la diplomazia 27 aprile ore 17:00 Nuovi scenari geopolitici e sfide inedite per la diplomazia. Ne discuteremo con Raffaele Marchetti, Prorettore all’internazionalizzazione e... 21 April 2020 SoG Graduation Day The current situation won’t allow us to make any short-term programme for such a big event that involves a great number of people. However, as we are aware of the importance this moment has for... 20 April 2020 Procedure parlamentari e legislazione d'emergenza - SOG Working Paper 57 The Luiss School of Government aims to produce cutting-edge work in a wide range of fields and disciplines through publications, workshops, conferences that enhance intellectual discourse and... 15 April 2020 The Politics of the Pandemic: A Transatlantic Perspective The Politics of the Pandemic: A Transatlantic Perspective A new webinar jointly organized by Luiss School of Government, Luiss School of Journalism and Georgetown University Monday 20... 14 April 2020 SoG Web Academic Seminars: l'attività parlamentare in tempi di Coronavirus SoG Web Academic Seminars: L'attività parlamentare in tempi di Coronavirus Rileggi l'intervento del Prof. Nicola Lupo, Direttore del Master Luiss in Parlamento e Politiche... 10 April 2020 The Politics of the Pandemic: a European Perspective How are the different European countries reacting to the coronavirus crisis? What will be the next challenges?Luiss School of Government and Hertie School will hold “The Politics of... 8 April 2020 1-Hour Talk: La democrazia al tempo del Coronavirus L’Associazione Laureati Luiss non si ferma! Giovedì 9 aprile dalle 18:30 alle 19:30 si terrà un nuovo appuntamento del ciclo di webinar 1-Hour Talk. Ospite Giovanni Orsina,... 6 April 2020 SoG Web Academic Seminars: il Coronavirus, la Francia, l'Italia e l'Unione europea Per evitare che il distanziamento sociale di questo periodo colpisca ulteriormente le consuete attività didattiche, la School of Government ha deciso di inagurare una serie di Web Academic... 6 April 2020 LinkedIn Webinar In the first event organized by the Luiss Career Service, jointly with the Luiss School of Government and the Luiss School of Law, we had the pleasure of hosting Germano Buttazzo, Head of Sales of... 31 March 2020 SoG Web Academic Seminars: La Democrazia ai tempi del Coronavirus Lunedì 23 marzo ha avuto luogo il primo incontro dei SoG Web Acadmemic Seminars dal titolo "La democrazia ai tempi del Coronavirus" a cura di Giovanni Orsina, Direttore della Luiss Schol... « first ‹ previous … 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 … next › last »
6 May 2020 Stability in the Middle East Region: Current Situation and Future Developments On Wednesday 13 May at 1PM join us for an exclusive Talk with Nickolay Mladenov UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. Mr. Nickolay Mladenov of Bulgaria was...
5 May 2020 Luiss Virtual Career Day - I giovani e il lavoro Luiss Virtual Career Day - I giovani e il lavoro Venerdì 8 maggio, ore 09:00 Il Luiss Virtual Career Day - I giovani e il lavoro è una risposta efficace ed immediata ai rapidi cambiamenti in cui ci...
5 May 2020 La sicurezza economica nazionale nei nuovi scenari internazionali La sicurezza economica nazionale nei nuovi scenari internazionali Venerdì 8 maggio 2020ore 17:00 Non perderti il nuovo webinar organizzato dalla Luiss School of Government nell'ambito delle...
4 May 2020 Mapping Italy: scenario and political risks Managing Covid 19 is putting the Italian political system to the test. Explore how Italian politics will possibly evolve over the next months through the Monthly Report prepared by...
4 May 2020 Luiss SoG Students' experiences "This emergency was sudden, and we had to rapidly adapt to a new teaching environment. It is clearly a new experience. Still, the organization from the Luiss School of Government has been impeccable...
28 April 2020 Size and representativeness of legislatures in historical evolution; observations from the anglo-american context - SOG Working Paper 58 Luiss School of Government aims to produce cutting-edge work in a wide range of fields and disciplines through publications, workshops, conferences that enhance intellectual discourse and debate...
22 April 2020 SoG Web Seminar Series: Nuove sfide per la diplomazia Nuove sfide per la diplomazia 27 aprile ore 17:00 Nuovi scenari geopolitici e sfide inedite per la diplomazia. Ne discuteremo con Raffaele Marchetti, Prorettore all’internazionalizzazione e...
21 April 2020 SoG Graduation Day The current situation won’t allow us to make any short-term programme for such a big event that involves a great number of people. However, as we are aware of the importance this moment has for...
20 April 2020 Procedure parlamentari e legislazione d'emergenza - SOG Working Paper 57 The Luiss School of Government aims to produce cutting-edge work in a wide range of fields and disciplines through publications, workshops, conferences that enhance intellectual discourse and...
15 April 2020 The Politics of the Pandemic: A Transatlantic Perspective The Politics of the Pandemic: A Transatlantic Perspective A new webinar jointly organized by Luiss School of Government, Luiss School of Journalism and Georgetown University Monday 20...
14 April 2020 SoG Web Academic Seminars: l'attività parlamentare in tempi di Coronavirus SoG Web Academic Seminars: L'attività parlamentare in tempi di Coronavirus Rileggi l'intervento del Prof. Nicola Lupo, Direttore del Master Luiss in Parlamento e Politiche...
10 April 2020 The Politics of the Pandemic: a European Perspective How are the different European countries reacting to the coronavirus crisis? What will be the next challenges?Luiss School of Government and Hertie School will hold “The Politics of...
8 April 2020 1-Hour Talk: La democrazia al tempo del Coronavirus L’Associazione Laureati Luiss non si ferma! Giovedì 9 aprile dalle 18:30 alle 19:30 si terrà un nuovo appuntamento del ciclo di webinar 1-Hour Talk. Ospite Giovanni Orsina,...
6 April 2020 SoG Web Academic Seminars: il Coronavirus, la Francia, l'Italia e l'Unione europea Per evitare che il distanziamento sociale di questo periodo colpisca ulteriormente le consuete attività didattiche, la School of Government ha deciso di inagurare una serie di Web Academic...
6 April 2020 LinkedIn Webinar In the first event organized by the Luiss Career Service, jointly with the Luiss School of Government and the Luiss School of Law, we had the pleasure of hosting Germano Buttazzo, Head of Sales of...
31 March 2020 SoG Web Academic Seminars: La Democrazia ai tempi del Coronavirus Lunedì 23 marzo ha avuto luogo il primo incontro dei SoG Web Acadmemic Seminars dal titolo "La democrazia ai tempi del Coronavirus" a cura di Giovanni Orsina, Direttore della Luiss Schol...