News News 12 December 2019 Marta Cartabia elected new President of Italian Constitutional Court Legal expert, academic and SoG lecturer Marta Cartabia is the first Italian woman to be elected as President of the Constitutional Court. Congratulations! 12 December 2019 Master in Cybersecurity: Total Exemption Scholarship for a candidate As part of the activities of the Women4Cyber Foundation promoted by the European Cyber Security Organization and thanks to the contribution of Elettronica SpA, Luiss... 11 December 2019 The Machiavelli method. The leader and his advisers: how to serve power and save one's soul Presentation of the book "Il metodo Machiavelli. Il leader e i suoi consiglieri: come servire il potere e salvarsi l'anima" by Antonio Funiciello Speakers: Giuliano Amato,... 10 December 2019 Aperte le iscrizioni al nuovo Corso di Formazione Online per il Concorso per la Carriera Prefettizia La Luiss School of Government istituisce un corso di formazione diretto a formare i candidati per i concorsi per la carriera prefettizia. In particolare, la prima edizione è costruita sulla... 9 December 2019 Un Occidente privo di luci "Cala il buio. Scompare l'Occidente. Siamo divenuti tutti di colpo razzisti o nazionalisti. I destini divergono. L'uomo scivola ai margini. Si diffonde un senso di irresponsabilità. La società si... 6 December 2019 A course to communicate politics at Luiss Read the article by Carlo Alberto Pratesi on Corriere della Sera and learn more about the new Master in Political and Institutional Communication and Marketing, led by Prof. Francesco... 5 December 2019 Scientific Council Annual Lecture: "Populism in Europe" In occasion of the Annual Scientific Council, Luiss School of Government hosted a Lecture by Professor Erik Jones, Director European and Eurasian Studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced... 4 December 2019 Le Figaro – Italie: un phenomène politique à gauche, les “Sardines” Prof. Marc Lazar, President of the Scientific Council at Luiss School of Government comments the new Italian political phenomenon of “Sardine” for Le Figaro, one of France’s leading daily newspaper... 3 December 2019 Authors and digital disintermediate cultural industry. New scenarios in search of sustainability On 2 December 2019, the ALSOG Alumni Association of the School of Government held its annual conference at the Luiss Guido Carli entitled "Authors and digital disintermediate cultural industry. New... 2 December 2019 Conference on the future of Europe: risks and merits "The European Union (EU) is facing unprecedented challenges in an unprecedented state of weakness. The change in international relations is unprecedented. The change in the internal politics of... 29 November 2019 The Magic City: Luiss Christmas market From 28 November to 20 December 2019, the Viale Romania Campus will be transformed into a true Christmas Village, open to the entire Luiss community and to external guests. In the wooden houses, set... 27 November 2019 Paolo Gentiloni at Luiss Guido Carli On Monday 25 November, Luiss inaugurated the Intesa Sanpaolo Chair on European Governance, the first chair established on the issues of transformation of the decision-making systems of the European... 26 November 2019 Antonio Funiciello alla Luiss per presentare "Il metodo Machiavelli" Il 10 dicembre 2019 alle ore 15 in Aula Toti, la Luiss School of Government, in collaborazione con la Rivista italiana di management pubblico, organizza il seminario "Il leader e i suoi... 25 November 2019 Giovanni Orsina commenta il nuovo partito “Azione” di Carlo Calenda. Dalle principali uscite radio e TV della settimana: Rai Tre – Mezz’ora in più – Giovanni Orsina commenta il nuovo partito “Azione” di Carlo Calenda. 19 November 2019 UNESCO award for Bioethics to Professor Sebastiano Maffettone Luiss Professor Sebastiano Maffettone, Director of the Ethos Observatory of public ethics, received the Unesco prize for bioethics, on the occasion of the day for "Respect for cultural diversity".... 18 November 2019 Evento di Presentazione del Master in Comunicazione e Marketing Politico ed Istituzionale Oggi, 18 novembre, ha avuto luogo l'evento di presentazione del Master in Comunicazione e Marketing Politico ed Istituzionale, diretto dal Professor Francesco Giorgino. A seguito della presentazione... « first ‹ previous … 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 … next › last »
12 December 2019 Marta Cartabia elected new President of Italian Constitutional Court Legal expert, academic and SoG lecturer Marta Cartabia is the first Italian woman to be elected as President of the Constitutional Court. Congratulations!
12 December 2019 Master in Cybersecurity: Total Exemption Scholarship for a candidate As part of the activities of the Women4Cyber Foundation promoted by the European Cyber Security Organization and thanks to the contribution of Elettronica SpA, Luiss...
11 December 2019 The Machiavelli method. The leader and his advisers: how to serve power and save one's soul Presentation of the book "Il metodo Machiavelli. Il leader e i suoi consiglieri: come servire il potere e salvarsi l'anima" by Antonio Funiciello Speakers: Giuliano Amato,...
10 December 2019 Aperte le iscrizioni al nuovo Corso di Formazione Online per il Concorso per la Carriera Prefettizia La Luiss School of Government istituisce un corso di formazione diretto a formare i candidati per i concorsi per la carriera prefettizia. In particolare, la prima edizione è costruita sulla...
9 December 2019 Un Occidente privo di luci "Cala il buio. Scompare l'Occidente. Siamo divenuti tutti di colpo razzisti o nazionalisti. I destini divergono. L'uomo scivola ai margini. Si diffonde un senso di irresponsabilità. La società si...
6 December 2019 A course to communicate politics at Luiss Read the article by Carlo Alberto Pratesi on Corriere della Sera and learn more about the new Master in Political and Institutional Communication and Marketing, led by Prof. Francesco...
5 December 2019 Scientific Council Annual Lecture: "Populism in Europe" In occasion of the Annual Scientific Council, Luiss School of Government hosted a Lecture by Professor Erik Jones, Director European and Eurasian Studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced...
4 December 2019 Le Figaro – Italie: un phenomène politique à gauche, les “Sardines” Prof. Marc Lazar, President of the Scientific Council at Luiss School of Government comments the new Italian political phenomenon of “Sardine” for Le Figaro, one of France’s leading daily newspaper...
3 December 2019 Authors and digital disintermediate cultural industry. New scenarios in search of sustainability On 2 December 2019, the ALSOG Alumni Association of the School of Government held its annual conference at the Luiss Guido Carli entitled "Authors and digital disintermediate cultural industry. New...
2 December 2019 Conference on the future of Europe: risks and merits "The European Union (EU) is facing unprecedented challenges in an unprecedented state of weakness. The change in international relations is unprecedented. The change in the internal politics of...
29 November 2019 The Magic City: Luiss Christmas market From 28 November to 20 December 2019, the Viale Romania Campus will be transformed into a true Christmas Village, open to the entire Luiss community and to external guests. In the wooden houses, set...
27 November 2019 Paolo Gentiloni at Luiss Guido Carli On Monday 25 November, Luiss inaugurated the Intesa Sanpaolo Chair on European Governance, the first chair established on the issues of transformation of the decision-making systems of the European...
26 November 2019 Antonio Funiciello alla Luiss per presentare "Il metodo Machiavelli" Il 10 dicembre 2019 alle ore 15 in Aula Toti, la Luiss School of Government, in collaborazione con la Rivista italiana di management pubblico, organizza il seminario "Il leader e i suoi...
25 November 2019 Giovanni Orsina commenta il nuovo partito “Azione” di Carlo Calenda. Dalle principali uscite radio e TV della settimana: Rai Tre – Mezz’ora in più – Giovanni Orsina commenta il nuovo partito “Azione” di Carlo Calenda.
19 November 2019 UNESCO award for Bioethics to Professor Sebastiano Maffettone Luiss Professor Sebastiano Maffettone, Director of the Ethos Observatory of public ethics, received the Unesco prize for bioethics, on the occasion of the day for "Respect for cultural diversity"....
18 November 2019 Evento di Presentazione del Master in Comunicazione e Marketing Politico ed Istituzionale Oggi, 18 novembre, ha avuto luogo l'evento di presentazione del Master in Comunicazione e Marketing Politico ed Istituzionale, diretto dal Professor Francesco Giorgino. A seguito della presentazione...