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Dissimination Activities

Public events as a way to engage the academic research community, as well as civic society as whole. All events have been held at Luiss Guido Carli and have been open to the general public as a way to engage them in the discussion and information sharing. Moreover, as a living community, the Center has permeated the overall dissemination activities of the Luiss School of Government. Still, in the period between 2016-2019, the Center has organized the following events:  

  • 11 January 2017: Center Seminar: La forma di Governo dell’Unione europea tra la separazione e fusione dei poteri 
  • 13 January 2017: Center Conference: Agenda Setting and Legislative Initiative in the EU: Recent trends 
  • 27 January 2017: Center Open Annual Event: Europe 2017: Make it for break it 
  • 22 March 2017: Center Conference: Annual Lecture. From the Rome Treaties to Brexit: What is next for the EU? Renauld Dehousse, President of the European University Institute 
  • 6 April 2017: Center Seminar: The German-Italian Dialogue and the future of the European Union 
  • 13 April 2017: Center Seminar: Velocità dell’Europa 
  • 20 April 2017: Center Seminar: The Democratic Control of EU foreign policy 
  • 15 May 2017: Center Conference: The European Union Inter-Parliamentary Conferences: between theory and practice 
  • 17 May 2017: Center Seminar: La Gran Bretagna dopo la Brexit 
  • 15 June 2017: Center Seminar Open Debate: E’ possibile sdoppiare l’Unione europea? 
  • 20 November 2017: The Role of the National Parliament in the EU Access Process. Pace setter, rubber stamper or somewhere in between? 
  • 29 November 2017: Center Seminar: Models of Democracy and Citizens’ Initiative in the EU: a case study 
  • 8 February 2018: Center Open Meeting with EU leaders: governare un Paese dell’Unione europea. Incontro con Manuel Valls, già Primo Ministro della Repubblica francese e Deputato Assemblea Nazionale 
  • 7 May 2018: Center Open Seminar: Comparative Regionalism in Europe 
  • 4 May 2018: Center Open Conference: Brexit. Negotiation and Beyond (together with John Hopkins University, Bologna Center) 
  • 4 – 5 – 7 April 2018: Center Open Seminar: Brexit and Beyond 
  • 8 April 2019: Center Civil Society Engagement (with Career Service) 
  • 12 July 2019: Center Seminar: European elections. A turning point 

These events have not been exclusively by the Centre. As part of Luiss School of Government, the Center has interacted with other academic structures of Luiss (such as Centre for the Study of Parliament, Luiss School of Law, Luiss School of European Political Economy) and external institutions such as Italian Senate, the European Representation of the European Commission in Rome as well as other academic institutions such as the European University Institute and the Bologna Centre of the John Hopkins University.  

Finally, Professor Sergio Fabbrini has also been active in the dissemination of knowledge acquired during the project through national and international confererences and open events 

  • Differentiation or Decoupling? Talk given at the seminar with Frank Schimmelfennig on “Conversation for the Future of Europe”, organized by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Fiesole (Florence), 4 June 2019. 

  • The EU from Differentiation to Decoupling, paper presented at the panel “Differentiation and Dominance in Europe”, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 29 August 2019. 

  • Constructing the EU’s Political Identity, contribution to the panel held during the 26th International Conference of Europeanists on “Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe”, Council for European Studies, Madrid, 22 June 2019. 

  • Europe’s Future: Decopuling and Reforming, keynote lecture given at the Annual PCE (Politics and Culture Research Programme) Conference, Maastricht University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht, 19 June 2019. 

  • A Comparative Federalism’s Perspective on EU Governance”, paper submitted at the pre- European Union Study Association (EUSA) workshop on “The European Union and Beyond”, 8 May 2019. 

  • Europe’s Future: Decoupling and Reforming, introduction to the Roundtable organized by the European Union Study Association (EUSA), 16th Biennal Conference, Denver, Colorado, 9 May 2019. 

  • The State of Europe: Political Theatre in an Age of Events, controbution to the Roundtable organized by the European Union Study Association (EUSA), 16th Biennal Conference, Denver, Colorado, 9 May 2019. 

  • Is the US Experience Useful for Understanding the EU’s Future, contribution to the Roundtable organized by the European Union Study Association (EUSA), 16th Biennal Conference, Denver, Colorado, 9 May 2019. 

  • The Dilemmas of Representation in the EU, contribution to the seminar on “A Republican Europe of States”, organized by the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies, European University Institute, Florence (Fiesole), 19 February 2019. 

  • Governance in the European Union: A Comparative Federalism’s Perspective, paper presented at the international conference on “Comparative Governance in Europe: A Symposium in Honor of Alberta Sbragia”, organized by the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 9, 2018. 

  • Il futuro dell’Europa e le elezioni del Parlamento europeo del 2019, conference given at the European Parliament, Spinelli Building, organized by the Italian delegation of the S&D parliamentary group, Brussels, 26 September 2018. 

  • Le autonomie speciali e l’Europa: tra sovranismo e riforma, lectio given in the occasion of celebration of the “Alcide De Gasperi’s Prize”, Trento, 5 September 2018. 

  • Between Differentation and Decoupling: Alternative Governance Paradigms on the Future Europe, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Scienc Association (APSA), Boston, 1 September 2018. 

  • Where Is the European Union Going? lecture given at the Summer School on “Comparative Law and Global Governance”, organized by the European Law and Governance School (ELGS), Athens (Sounion), Greece, 23 July 2018.  

  • The European Parliament in a Dual Constitutional Regime, paper delivered at the Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, Paris, 15 June 2018. 

  • Democrazia e politica digitale, keynote speech given at the conference on “Italia, Francia ed Europa nel mondo digitale. Dialoghi italo-francesi per l’Europa”, organized by LUISS and SciencesPo, Rome 30 May 2018. 

  • La sfida europea, introduction to the conference on “I riformisti: l’Italia che cambia e la nuova sovranità dell’Europa”, organized by Liberta Eguale and Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione europea, Rome, 29 May 2018. 

  • Le trasformazioni dell’Europa e il suo futuro, lectio magistralis for “Lorella Cedroni Prize”, Department of Political Sciences, La Sapienza, Rome, 24 May 2018. 

  • A Holy Alliance between Nationalism and Populism: Europe in Perspective, talk given at the conference on “The Age of Fracture: citizenship, ideologies, global politics”, organized by the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, 17 May 2018. 

  • L’Europa e il suo futuro, lecture given to the national board of the ACLI, Rome, 15 May 2018. 

  • La riforma dell’Unione Europea: le ragioni politiche, talk given at the conference on “Trasformare l’Unione Europea attraverso l’Eurozona”, organized by EURISPES, Rome, 11 may 2018. 

  • After the multiple crises: which future for Europe? lecture given at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, Bruxelles, 10 January 2018. 

  • Il Manifesto di Roma e il futuro dell’Europa, talk given at the roundtable on “Riformare l’UE? Come?”, organized by Villa Vigoni, Ambasciata della Repubblica Federale di Germania in Roma e LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, 4 December 2017. 

  • The Institutional Odyssey of the Italian Parliamentary Republic, keynote speech at the Executive Master “European Capitals – Rome Module”, organized by the Rome LUISS School of Government, Berlin Hertie School of Governance, Paris Institute des Etudes Politiques – Sciences Po and London King’s College, Rome, 23 November 2017.  

  • Europe after the Multiple Crises: Which European Union? lecture given at the St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, 7 November 2017. 

  • Reforming the EU Polity: Dilemmas and Alternatives, keynote speech given at the international conference on “Reforming the EU: Central European Perspectives”, organized by the Hungarian Europe Society, with the support of the Open Society Foundations, Budapest, 28 October 2017. 

  • Conceptualizing the Post-Crisis Governance of the European Union: Buchanan, Rodrik or Madison? paper submitted at the Panel on “The Euro-Zone Crisis”, ECPR General Conference, Oslo, 7 September 2017. 

  • Politicization in context: decision-making and contestation in the EU, paper submitted at the panel on “The crisis of the EU: Too much or too little politicization?”, APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1 September 2017. 

  • Oltre l’Europa intergovernativa, talk given at the panel on “Europa, ritorno al futuro”, organized by the Rappresentanza italiana della Commissione europea, Rome, 10 July 2017. 

  • The new intergovernmental union and the European parliament, paper submitted at the Conference on “The European Parliament in the New Europe: Institutional power and policy influence?”, organized by the School of Politics and Economics, King’s College, and UACES, King’s College, London, 26 May 2017. 

  • The EU, the US and the New Global (Dis)order: the G7 in Context, talk given at the conference on “G7 and Global Governance in an Age of Antiglobalization”, organized by the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto; the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studuies and the Luiss School of Government, Rome, 22 May 2017. 

  • Conceptual and methodological innovations of the book, concluding remarks at the session (with Jim Caporaso, Daniel Kelemen, Amie Kreppel, Alberta Sbragia) on “Author Meets Critics: Sergio Fabbrini, Which European Union? Europe After the Euro crisis”, European Union Studies Association (EUSA), 15th Biennal International Conference, Miami, Florida, 5 May 2017. 

  • Bringing Comparative Federalism Back In: How to Deal with the Executive Capacity’s Deficit of the EU? paper submitted at the panel on “Reforming Market and Institutions in the EU and the USA: Learning from Comparative Federalism”, European Union Studies Association (EUSA), 15th Biennal International Conference, Miami, Florida, 4 May 2017. 

  • A Union in Search of Legitimacy, talk given at the Conference on “Back to Citizens”, organized by the European Parliament and the LUISS School of Government in occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, Rome, 30 March 2017, 

  • How to exit from an existential crisis?, talk given at the panel on “Quo Vadis, Europa?” at the Conference on “60 years of European integration: Young People at European turning point”, organized by the Young European Federalists, in cooperation with the European Commission, Chamber of Deputies, Rome, 24 March 2017. 

  • Le ragioni della crisi europea, talk given at the roundtable on “Lo stato di salute dell’Unione”, Conference on “L’Unione europea e le sue crisi. Un’opportunità per un nuovo inizio”, organized by Istituto Affari Internazionali and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Rome, 7 February 2017. 

  • The Constitutional Dilemmas of the European Union: From Constitutional Pluralism to Constitutional Differentiation, key-note speech held at the international conference on “The Portuguese Constitution and the Third Wave of Democratization”, organized by the Portuguese Assembly of the Republic, Lisbon, 6 December 2016.